Origin of the “cacapo” Part 1


“The home should be the treasure chest of living” by Le Corbusier


“The home should be the treasure chest of living” by Le Corbusier. It is necessary to feel comfortable and happy in your own home. It is a place to relax and have memories with your loved ones. 


We need a system to make house be the treasure chest, this is the origin of Cacapo.  


In Japan, houses are overrated. As a matter of fact, almost all houses manifest the same distinct characteristics. Houses in Japan have small living room, dining room and a kitchen regardless of the owner’s social status and lifestyle. Though there may be some other fators that influence this issu, I think the main point is people’s mindset and lifestyle. Japanese people work more than 8 hours a day and almost all people live in apartment buildings in big cities. In addition to these, each household has an average of two children. It also means that people just go with these certain norms.  People are afraid to make changes and get out of their comfort zone. 


In my opinion, we must start changing not only our lifestyle but also, we must embrace new ideas. By that I mean that it includes our home where change begins. Renovating, redecorating, remodeling, etc. are some of the first steps for our homes to be the treasure chest of living. 


I remember when I realized what I wanted to change in my house. There were some problems I encountered. First and foremost, in metropolitan areas like Tokyo, we can not use some equipment like screwdrivers or electric saws simply because of the damage it can do to the walls and the disturbance it can cause. Of course, there is not enough space to install big things too. Plus, people do not have proper tools or resources to do some renovations.


Other points are due to location, circumstances and lifestyle. Because of globalization, cities are becoming more and more diverse. Everyone has their own preferences that many products can not meet. 


However, with this new product, everyone can make their own structures easily and quickly by themselves regardless of where they are, who they are and what their lifestyle is. 



These are the key points of my product. On the next column, I will introduce “CACAPO” 

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  • #1

    KfnqDuxw (Sunday, 05 February 2023 15:38)


  • #2

    KfnqDuxw (Sunday, 05 February 2023 15:39)


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    KfnqDuxw (Sunday, 05 February 2023 15:40)


  • #4

    KfnqDuxw (Sunday, 05 February 2023 15:40)


  • #5

    KfnqDuxw (Sunday, 05 February 2023 15:40)


  • #6

    KfnqDuxw (Sunday, 05 February 2023 15:40)
